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My list of Books | Happiness & mindset

There are countless books about happiness, mindset and productivity. The books I've read so far have really helped me to create a positive mindset and get more out of life. My favorite book so far is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.It reads like a story because the author describes her own research into happiness, and that is already very inspiring. It really gave me a boost and I immediately bought three more books to give as gifts to those around me. There are usually a number of listings on, so you are immediately sustainable. And also often has second-hand books for sale. I hope these books will inspire you!



The Happiness Project - Gretchen Rubin

In this book, the author goes in search of a happier life by tackling one topic each month.She finds more happiness in daily life, but also in relationships, money and health. The book is written lightly and witty, and immediately makes you think how you can apply this in your own life.

Ikigai - Francesc Miralles & Hector Garcia

The authors visit Okinawa residents in Japan to discover their secret to a happy and healthy life. They discovered that their diet, lifestyle and social contacts have a lot of influence, but also their Ikigai, their reason for being. Everyone has an Ikigai, and this book will help you find your Ikigai too. The book is small and not too thick, making it easy to read. The Antidote - Oliver Burkeman

A book for people who can;t stand positive thinking. Just forcing positivity is counterproductive, because we don't learn from our failures, or pay attention to doubt or uncertainty. It is precisely by allowing this and giving it space that you can learn from it and grow towards a life with more satisfaction and happiness.

Still on my reading list:

You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay

Your body and mind are inextricably linked. Negative thoughts and stress can lead to physical complaints. Learning to love yourself, as well as forgiving others, will also make you feel better physically. With affirmations and other thought patterns, the writer gives you tools to get started.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach At first glance the title seems rather strange, because is this book about a seagull? Yes, but specifically a seagull that wants to get more out of life. He strives for something higher, but is thereby expelled from the gull colony. But along the way, he meets like-minded seagulls, and discovers that by breaking free from boredom, fear and hatred, he can live longer and happily. It is an inspiring story full of life wisdom about believing in yourself and trusting your intuition.

The Art of Happiness - Daila Lama & Howard Cutler

This inspiring book teaches you how to deal with setbacks better, and helps you find more inner peace. The Dalai Lama uses concrete examples to show how you can let go of hatred, greed and jealousy and thus achieve happiness. An accessible book full of wisdom from Buddhism, narrated by the Dalai Lama and written by Howard Cutler.


Mindset & Productiviteit

Smarter Faster Better - Charles Duhigg

This book uses real-life examples to show how you can use time differently, by changing your way of thinking and formulating your goals in the right way. You don't have to work harder, just smarter!

Busy - Tony Crabbe Never too busy again from Tony Crabbe helps you to clear your head and life, where you can focus on really important things again. No more overflowing inboxes and to-do lists! The book shows you that you should not want and be able to do everything at once, but that you have to make choices that you want to devote your time and attention to.

Still on my reading list:

Master Your Mindset - Michael Pilarczyk

Michael Pilarczyk is an author, speaker and mindset & mindfulness coach. In this book he speaks from his own experience how you can create your most beautiful life, through awareness, meaning and insight. By answering life questions, you discover what you really want, and you develop more self-insight. With a 12-step strategy, you then proceed to break current thought patterns and reprogram your mindset.

You don't have to be endlessly positive according to the writer, which is already a refreshing approach. Learn to live properly with your shortcomings and insecurities, and be content with your goals already achieved. Do not make too high demands on everything, so that you allow yourself more peace and happiness. A humorous book with lots of psychological advice.

The Willpower Instinct - Kelly Mcgonigal A book about willpower and self-control to boost your relationships, health, career and other areas of your life. Why is it that many people suffer from procrastination, money problems, or are unable to break bad habits? The author is a Psychology teacher at Stanford University, and based the book on scientific research on willpower. She acts asyour personal coach to give you assignments to increase your willpower and self-control. This book has good reviews and I'm really looking forward to reading it soon!

Playing Big - Tara Mohr Many women are incredibly talented but just don't realize their own potential. They play it safe within their career and don't know how to break out of this pattern. With a step-by-step leadership program you will start to no longer keep yourself small, but to listen to your inner coach and realize your true ambitions.

Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy 'the method to stop procrastinating and become super productive'. Start your day with tasks that you dread the most, because these are often the most important tasks to do. Don't try to want everything, but focus on the most important things and do them mindfully to generate success. With 21 steps, the writer will help you stop procrastinating.


I will keep adding books to this list when I've found another gem to share. Stay tuned! Do you know a book that should be on my list? I'd love to hear it! Ps. Are you already following me on Goodreads? Find many more book tips there!



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My name is Katinka, and in this blog I share my tips and experiences as a vegan. I hope this will provide inspiration and tools for those who also want to live a more (plant-based) life.


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